Máya a Ja

Vytlač príspevok
Odporuč príspevok

How I met Roberto

If only for a few seconds, discovering the child within is a great experience

we cross the street, quickly, cars run
always the wrong direction
we hold hands, running
holding hands feels like saving our lifes
I look at Roberto, I look into his eyes
as he speaks about an exam he has to pass
or beer...
I wonder what it is
I feel the father in him, I feel the child in me
I wonder what it is
when we sit on a sofa in this hippie bar and he borrows me his cellphone
smiling, goodness of the whole universe in his face
I feel a good father in him
It is raining heavily, we walk fast
to catch the bus
I look at Roberto, he watches his way
not realising I´m observing him
I do it very discreetly
seems like he´s thinking about somebody else

I ask him when he leaves the city

in two-weeks time
he´ll be gone
maybe he is just another magic

Dublin | stály odkaz


  1. Yeah
    really good
    You are good poet in English
    You surprised me
    I met Her
    She met Me
    and ...... you know what I mean :))))
    publikované: 14.11.2009 03:02:24 | autor: eneko (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  2. fiiha:)
    Pri mojej chabej inglis som snad pochopila podstatne...
    I ja by som chcela zazit

    "I feel a good father in him"
    publikované: 14.11.2009 10:14:01 | autor: hanka (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  3. eneko
    ani to nemala byt básen, ale bez veršov to nešlo a vdaka :)
    publikované: 14.11.2009 11:38:47 | autor: majamaja (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  4. hanka
    nieee, :) takých družieb už bolo, to ja mam najsamradšej stretať ludí cudzincov, ale toto bolo trošku iné :)))

    ale myslím, že si aj navzdory ANJ pochopila :)
    publikované: 14.11.2009 11:40:02 | autor: majamaja (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
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