Tinka, dakujem, za odporúčanie knihy. Čítam, čítam a páči sa mi to.
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If you are ready to leave father and mother, and
brother and sister, and wife and child and friends, and never see
them again -- if you have paid your debts, and made your will, and
settled all your affairs, and are a free man -- then you are ready for
a walk.
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He is a sort of fourth estate, outside of Church and State
and People.
Cesta, ktorá nepatrí cirkvi, ani štátu, ani ľuďom, iba mne.
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No wealth can buy the requisite leisure,
freedom, and independence which are the capital in this profession.
V Anglicku ponukajú hyper moderne telefony takmer zadarmo. Na Slovensku na nás zarábajú, staré šunky za vysoké ceny. Sme pozadu. Ale máme na výber... o chvýľu bude všetko na výber. Ružové, modré, hypermobilné, originálne, s drôtom, bez drôtu, s diamantom, bez..., s .. s ... s ... pre... na ... Vyberajme si... hračky, veci, domy, autá... Ja ale nechcem nič.
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It comes only by the grace of God. It requires a direct dispensation
from Heaven to become a walker. You must be born into the family
of the Walkers. Ambulator nascitur, non fit
Nasledujem srdce. Som otvorená sebe samej. Som to ja, tulák.
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When sometimes
I am reminded that the mechanics and shopkeepers stay in their
shops not only all the forenoon, but all the afternoon too, sitting
with crossed legs, so many of them -- as if the legs were made to
sit upon, and not to stand or walk upon -- I think that they deserve
some credit for not having all committed suicide long ago.
Medzi štyrmi stenami... klubúk dolu... zatiaľ som prišla iba na to, čo v živote robiť nechcem.
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I, who cannot stay in my chamber for a single day without
acquiring some rust...
"Radka, poď do lesa."
"No určitééé, ja mám rada civilizáciu." Zapáli si cigaretku, sadne na terasu a pozerá sa.... kam?
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I wonder
that about this time
Nechcem nič mať.
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Living much out of doors, in the sun and wind, will no doubt
produce a certain roughness of character
Ako sa chcete nájsť, ak ste sa ešte nikdy nestratili? Ako chcete byť silní, ak nepoznáte svoju slabosť?
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for so many
years I have walked almost every day, and sometimes for several
days together, I have not yet exhausted them. An absolutely new
prospect is a great happiness, and I can still get this any afternoon.
Túlať sa sám a bez konca neznamená žiť mimo spoločnosti, znamená to vidieť stále viac, neskreslených obrazov krásy prírody i ľudí. Vidieť srdcom, milovať. A vtedy, prichádza mier.
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In one half-hour I can walk off to some portion of the
earth's surface where a man does not stand from one year's end to
another, and there, consequently, politics are not, for they are but
as the cigar-smoke of a man.
Politika je produktom človeka asi ako jeho cigaretový dym
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You may name it America, but it is not
America; neither Americus Vespueius, nor Columbus, nor the rest
were the discoverers of it. There is a truer amount of it in
mythology than in any history of America, so called, that I have
Táto cesta je nadčasová, nie je jediná správna, ani nesprávna, ale je výnimočná